Our Values

Customer Service

We focus on maintaining great relationships with the property owners and the tenants. Happy tenants stay longer and take better care of the property, which decreases the costs of turnover and repairs. Landlords and tenants have our direct numbers, and they can call or text anytime, day or night. We aim to be the most supportive property management service we can.

Respecting Relationships

When other REALTORS® refer business to Peace of Mind Property Management, their client relationship is respected. We always refer the landlord back to their REALTOR® when it’s time to place a new tenant, or if they want to sell.

Affordable Expertise

Peace of Mind Property Management has a team of contractors who provide professional services at discounted rates. We in turn pass on the savings offered to us from these reputable vendors to our clients.

Care for Others

Our goal is for our businesses to be the kind of environment where people can grow to their fullest extent. This starts with wanting to help everyone around us succeed. Peace of Mind Property Management prides itself on being kind to our landlords, tenants, vendors, and co-op agents. Simply said, being nice pays off in the long run.